The Bloglord

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Author, blogger, comic freak, designer, editor, gamer, hermit, photographer, reader, student, teacher, traveler, writer.

01 Januari 2008

Terus Ke Hadapan!

Selamat tahun baru kepada semua.

Bebanan tanggungjawab pada tahun lepas akan menjadi lebih berat tahun ini. Hampir-hampir putus asa, tapi mengenangkan jasa insan-insan tersayang di tanahair, segala hal peribadi diketepikan.

Masa untuk kumpul kekuatan dan bangun semula untuk hadapi cabaran baru!

1 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Don't ever give up! There's a lot of things that will happen in the future...take it as experience. Sometimes it seems to be hard but as a muslim you have to be tough because we live in this world not just for ourselve but we live to give life to the others. Yet, you still have the people that you love and love you to support and give you encouragement all the time.~;)