The Bloglord

Foto saya
Author, blogger, comic freak, designer, editor, gamer, hermit, photographer, reader, student, teacher, traveler, writer.

11 Januari 2010

Logo Lama Yang Diperbaharukan

Al-Munir Logo
Ya, inilah dia. Logo Sekolah Rendah Al-Munir, tempat saya belajar (dahulu) dan mengajar (sekarang). Gambar-gambar panorama sekolah akan saya poskan di blog rasmi sekolah ini tidak lama lagi. Nantikanlah!

2 ulasan:

Qurrata 'Ayun berkata...

teaching in al-munir???????!!!
wah2...good luck ustaz (or cikgu?)!

Mior Khabir Zikri berkata...

Thanks a lot, Nabila. Erm, some call me Ustaz, some - Cikgu. Whatev. As long as they show up with some respect in not calling me without a prefix, it'll be OK. :)